Hotel Bed Linens Suppliers – Tips to Maintain and Care for Hotel Linens

Hotel Bed Linens Suppliers – Tips to Maintain and Care for Hotel Linens

Hotel Bed Linens Suppliers make the first impression guests have of your establishment, so keeping them clean and looking great is vital. Training housekeeping staff on washing protocols and carefully inspecting for stains helps keep linens in good condition. Another tip is Hotel bed sheets wholesale to never over-dry your textiles. Cotton retains 7-8% of its weight in water when […]

What Kind Of Bedding And Bath Materials Do Customers Prefer?

What Kind Of Bedding And Bath Materials Do Customers Prefer?

Customer satisfaction is what entrepreneurs strive hard to achieve. Why is customer satisfaction important? A regular customer is cost-effective compared to new customers. Word of mouth travels faster than you can imagine. It affects your overall customer journey. In hospitality, customer retention holds a higher value than new customers. To make your customers happy, you should know what they expect. […]

How to Organize The Bed Linen?

How to Organize The Bed Linen?

We all want that organized and junk-free wardrobe in our living space. Despite our intentions and effort the cupboard remains clustered and piled with all the stuff. The reason behind the mess is due to inappropriate organizing. We always pile up things on top of others which fall apart. Many often fold the pillow covers, blankets, and bedspreads randomly. If […]

What Makes Linens Sustainable?

What Makes Linens Sustainable?

People love products or materials that last for a longer time. It is called sustainability despite undergoing harsh or extreme physical factors. One such material loved by every hotelier and interior designer is linen. Yes, linen is one of the most versatile fabrics than any other fabric. For instance, consider the production of cotton fabric.  Cotton needs suitable climatic conditions, […]