A Ultimate Guide To Removing Tough Stains From Linen Bedding

A Ultimate Guide To Removing Tough Stains From Linen Bedding

Linen is a natural fiber derived from flax plants. It’s known for its durability, breathability, and luxurious feel. At KKR Linens, one of the best hotel linen suppliers in Chennai, we offer 100% cotton bed linens for the hotels which are easy to wash and light weight. However, due to its absorbent nature, linen bedding can be susceptible to stains. Understanding the characteristics of linen is essential for effectively treating stains without damaging the fabric. This blog serves as an ultimate guide to remove tough stains from linen bedding.

Identifying Stains:

Before attempting to remove stains, it’s crucial to identify the type of stain and its origin. Common stains on linen bedding include:

      1. Food and Beverage Stains:

These include coffee, tea, wine, sauces, and oils.

      2. Body Fluid Stains:

Such as blood, sweat, and urine.

      3. Cosmetic Stains:

Such as lipstick, foundation, creams, lotion, and perfume.

      4. Dirt and Grime Stains:

From everyday use and environmental factors.

Immediate Action:

Act as quickly as possible to prevent fresh stains from setting into the fabric. Remove as much liquid as possible without rubbing, which can spread the stain further. Don’t wash it right away with soap. Some stains, like turmeric, change color when it is treated with soap which becomes unwashable. We often use washing soap to wash the linens, but you should know the proper product to treat each type of cloth.


      1. Act Quickly:

Address stains immediately to prevent them from setting into the fabric.

      2. Blot, Don’t Rub:

Use a cloth or tissues to blot the stain gently, avoiding rubbing, which can spread the stain further.

      3. Test In An Inconspicuous Area:

Before applying a cleaning solution, test it on a small area of the linen to ensure it doesn’t cause discolouration or damage.

      4. Use Cold Water:

For most stains, start by washing the affected area with cold water to help remove excess residue and prevent the stain from setting.

Stain Removal Techniques:

Natural Stain Removers:

  • Vinegar:

Dilute white vinegar with water and apply it to the stain using a cloth or spray bottle. Let it sit for a few minutes before rinsing with cold water.

  • Baking Soda:

Mix baking soda and water to make a paste, then apply it to the stain. Let it sit for several hours or overnight before rinsing.

  • Lemon Juice:

Apply lemon juice directly on the stain and let it sit in the sun for natural bleaching before rinsing.

Commercial Stain Removers:

  • Enzyme-Based Cleaners:

Choose a mild enzyme-based laundry detergent or stain remover formulated explicitly for linen.

  • Oxygen Bleach:

Use oxygen bleach (sodium percarbonate) to tackle tough stains like coffee, wine, and blood. Dissolve it in water according to the manufacturer’s instructions before applying.

Gentle Scrubbing:

  • For stubborn stains, gently scrub the affected area with a soft-bristled brush or toothbrush, working the cleaning solution into the fabric.
  • Avoid using harsh abrasives or brushes that may damage the delicate fibers of linen.


  • For heavily soiled or deeply set stains, soak the linen bedding in cold water and mild detergent for several hours or overnight before laundering.

Laundering Linen Bedding:

      1. Follow Care Instructions:

The care manual on your linen bedding provides specific washing instructions and recommended water temperatures. KKR Linens, one of the best hotel linen manufacturers in India, prioritize educating customers by providing proper care practices to maintain the pristine condition of the products. 

      2. Gentle Cycle:

Wash linen bedding gently with colors to prevent damage and excessive wrinkling.

      3. Air-Dry:

Whenever possible, air-dry linen bedding outdoors in the sun. For stubborn stains that refuse to budge, harness the power of sunlight. Hang the freshly washed linen bedding outdoors in direct sunlight, allowing the UV rays to naturally bleach and disinfect the fabric. It is particularly effective for organic stains like grass or blood.

      4. Ironing:

If necessary, iron linen bedding while it’s still slightly wet using a medium to high heat setting to smooth out wrinkles and creases. This also gives a fresh smell to the bedding.

Removing tough stains from linen bedding may require patience and persistence, but with the right techniques and products, you can restore your bedding to its former glory. Remember to act quickly, test cleaning solutions in inconspicuous areas, and always follow the care instructions provided by the manufacturer. By incorporating these stain removal methods and purchasing from the best hotel linen suppliers in Bangalore like us, you can prolong the lifespan of your linen bedding and enjoy its luxurious comfort for years to come.

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